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Why Do Geeks Make The Best Writers

It may seem bizarre to claim that geeks make the best writers. However, when you read something written by someone with a genuine interest in the subject, it shines through. You can easily see the difference between writing by someone who’s fascinated by the subject, and writing by someone who really doesn’t care about it. One will draw you in, leave you with things to think about, and hopefully inspire you – the other will be dreary, and you’ll have to force your way through it, if you finish reading it at all. I think you can guess which is which.

That’s not to say that topics should only be covered by those who specialise in the area. Writers who confine themselves to the area they have expertise in are placing unnecessary limitations upon themselves. Those who are curious about the world around them, and those who are eager to approach any theme with enthusiasm will stand out amongst other writers, particularly in the business world. Writers who work for Search Engine Optimisation agencies have to be ready to tackle anything clients throw at them, and they have to do so irrespective of the subject matter.

Hang on, isn’t SEO just about having the right keywords or whatever to trick Google Bot? Well, no. Not anymore. SEO has come a long way, and is no longer simply about getting links out there and including keywords in your content – SEO copy now has to be well-written. Implementing SEO practices, including SEO, web design and content creation, can only take you so far. Indian companies must focus on producing content that is of interest and relevance to their audience if they are to retain, and gain new, customers in today’s internet based business environment.

While it is crucial to ensure that search engines can find you, you also have to ensure that your potential clients’ needs are met. Insulting their intelligence with lackluster writing certainly doesn’t meet their needs, and it won’t provide the conversion rates you’re aiming to achieve. SEO web design in the India may have to meet the needs of spiders and bots in order to reach their audience, but content creators should never lose sight of who they’re writing for – namely, real people. Quality writing doesn’t come from following a formula or a rigid set of rules and it certainly doesn’t come from disinterest. It comes from passion, curiosity and involvement on the writer’s part, whatever the subject – in short, the best writers are geeks.

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