Google is continually churning out updates, algorithms and new ways in which users can utilise the platform to their advantage and better the user experience as a whole. Very recently, Google released their new set up updates and what they plan to do with the AdWords platform in the coming months. Digital SEO Company, at the forefront of PPC management services we’re in on the live stream of the AdWords update and have written much content around the subject in order to keep their audience up to date with the latest news.
Not only was a podcast created around the topic but multiple blogs covering the main points and how exactly these will be affecting businesses within the coming months. As a breakdown of some of the topics covered within the update are:
- Innovative ad formats
- Insightful reporting
- Intelligent tools
- Bulk actions
- Automated Bidding
- Enhanced Reporting
- Drafts and Experiments
These are providing some positive tools and developments of which can be utilised by all PPC users for better campaign management and optimisation.
One of the other topics which have been raised in recent news is the change to the keyword planner tool. Google are all about getting your Advertising in front of the right person at the right time and giving the consumer the best possible user experience. This is why some pretty exciting changes have been made within the keyword planner tool. These changes have been:
- Time Comparison
- Search Volume Trends
- Mobile Trends
- Breakdown by Device
- Breakdown by Location
- Greater Estimates
This are carried out in graph forms which appear within the top of the page and give a deeper and more visual insight as the performance of the keywords you are looking at.
These aspects are explored in further depth within the blog section of the Digital SEO Company website. The reason for Digital SEO Company covering these topics in so much depth? Well its simple, they want to offer the best PPC service possible to their clients! By staying on the pulse with everything in vogue, Digital SEO Company is able to offer their clients a competitive edge when it comes to their digital marketing strategies.
If you are interested in unlocking the power of PPC for your business, perhaps give Digital SEO Company a nod. They are an agency who definitely seems to be on point when it comes to PPC.